Vaastu Purush is present in each and
every plot whether it in big or small. He has a fixed and peculiar body. His
head remains hanging down and his body is spread all over the length and
breadth of the ground. There is an interesting story in the MATSYA PURAN in
which the birth of Vaastu Purusha is narrated. By reading that story one knows
why the worship of the Vaastu Purusha is necessary before beginning
construction of any building.

Long long ago Lord Shiva fought against
the demon named ANDHAKA and killed him. While fighting with demon, Shiva was
very much tired and began to sweat profusely. A man was born of the drops of
Shiva's sweat. He looked very cruel. He was very hungry. So he began to make
penance to appease Lord Shiva and get a boon from him. Shiva was pleased with
his penance and appeared before him. The devotee prayed to Shiva,"Oh Lord!
Please permit me to eat away all the three worlds." Shiva said," Let
it be so." The devotee's joy knew no bounds. He got possession on all the
three worlds and first he was ready to eat the terrestrial world (Bhooloka).
Then the celestial (Devatas), Brahma, Shiva and the demons (Rakshasas) also
were terrified and caught hold of the devotee encircling him. Vaastu Purusha,
being arrested like this, said to the Gods, "Oh, Celestial Beings! You
have all caught hold of me and tied me on all the sides. How long shall I be like this, in this
position hanging my head down like a prisoner?
What said, "Today is Bhadrapada Shukla Tritiya Saturday and shall I
eat? Listening to those words, the celestial beings Vishakha Star '; So you lie
down here on the ground changing to" Kartik' you lie down putting your
head in the Eastern your position once
in three months, ie from 'Bhadrapada
direction and your feet towards the West.
During the months of "Margashirsha", 'Pausha' and 'Magha, you
lie your feet towards the North during the months of Phalgun', Chaitra 'and'
Vaishakh 'put your head towards the West and feet towards the East. , looking towards the North; in the months of 'Jyestha', 'Ashadha' and
'Shravana', put your head towards the East.
North and the feet towards the South & look towards the East. Whatever side you may turn, you will have to
lie down on the left side only. You will
be known as 'VAASTU PURUSHA'. You will
tease the people, to your heart's content, who construct buildings and temples,
dig wells and tanks on the side towards which you see and in the direction
towards which you hold your feet. You
may trouble and even devour those people who construct the aforesaid buildings
and temples etc. In the direction where
you lay your head and back and those who lay foundation stone without
worshipping you or without satisfying you with "Homa" and the
like. Then the Vaastu - Purusha was
quite satisfied. Since then the worship
of Vaastu - Purusha has been in vogue and it has become compulsory for those
who want to construct any kind of building.